Category Archives: Breach Fiduciary Duties

Florida Court Declines To Find Trust Language “Ambiguous,” Despite Beneficiary’s Protests
When interpreting a trust, a Florida court’s goal is to understand and apply the intent of the settlor–the person who made the trust in the first place. A judge will typically not look outside of the plain language of the trust instrument unless there is some ambiguity that requires consideration of extrinsic (outside) evidence…. Read More »

How to Prove Breach of Fiduciary Duty in a Florida Trust Case?
A breach of fiduciary duty means that someone holding a fiduciary position acts in a manner that is in conflict with their duties. This breach of duty can result in serious legal consequences. In the case of a Trust, the fiduciary is the trustee who owes a duty to act in the best interests… Read More »

Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Fiduciary relationships go beyond attorneys, personal representatives and trustees. The Florida Supreme Court ruled they don’t necessarily need to be legal relationships in order to have a fiduciary duty. They may also be relationships that are moral, social, domestic, or of a personal nature. When one party fails to uphold that confidential or fiduciary… Read More »